
Being Bald Gets Rough

I cut myself shaving a couple of days ago and I hadn't shaved so my scalp had some time to heal. I was in the shower today and thought boyfriend had changed the HeadBlade, so I knicked myself on the third or fourth swipe.

I could feel the blade catch where it should have been able to glide easily, and immediately stopped. I slashed myself pretty badly the last time I cut myself with the HeadBlade because I didn't stop and switch out the cartridges. Today the cartridges weren't in the shower where I had left them. I didn't want to dry off to get them, or track water across the floor trying to find them, so I switched over to the razor I use to shave everything else.

I had forgotten how tedious it is to shave with a regular disposable razor, and also how difficult it is to get a truly smooth shave; of course, I didn't go over it a second time like I usually do since I was only continuing the shave so as to not look half done, but I still would have liked a smoother shave.

For a couple of hours it was crazy smooth if I rubbed my head in the direction of the hair growth, but it wasn't long before it didn't feel so smooth anymore no matter which way I rubbed it. Getting in to bed tonight, I snuggled behind boyfriend to suck out some of his warmth and when I kissed the back of his neck I could tell that he had shaved in the shower. Further groping led to groping even more because I think this is the smoothest shave I've ever felt on him. I am a bit envious and looking forward to shaving tomorrow to see if I can't get my bald head as soft and smooth as his.

Cross your fingers for me.

1 comment:

  1. wow wish i can see u.....i do it to ma gf last year she was soo happy....
