
Hair: It Takes Too Long to Grow

My hair is in the achingly lengthy stage of growth where I need a haircut every couple of weeks to keep from looking sloppy. It's also at the point where I can't just have Ricardo give me a one-length-all-over buzz with the clippers. If I don't have the sides and back cut shorter and blended with the top I just look fuzzy. Not a look I'm fond of.

Ricardo's biggest gripe with this is that I'm not going to make much progress if I keep getting it cut. If I don't keep it looking tidy, however, I'm going to get annoyed with it and do something drastic. As drastic as it gets when your hair is half an inch long, anyway. I never did like growing my hair out, but I never like looking the same all the time and there's only so much hair I can cut off before I have to start over again.


  1. hey ~ nice blog u have here ~ anyways ~ i jz tot of a suggestion ~ i dun knw ~ mayb ~ if getting bald is really really sexual for you ~ i was wondering ~ why not keep it long again maybe for a year before you shave it again? seriously ~ i think the pleasure of feeling your own hair falls down on your skin is far far more thrilling and exciting don't you think? i mean ~ since u do look good bald ~ why worry rite? once in a while ~ feel d excitement of getting it shaved from long to nothing ~ =) have a great day!

    anonymous 1

  2. If I let my hair grow for a year I'd have to go a whole year without shaving my head. The length of my hair when it's being shaved off isn't so important. :)
