
Hair Apparent

It has been too long since I posted anything here. When I'm not shaving my head, I don't have as much to say about it.

I've been letting my hair grow for about 3 months now. I really like it. That doesn't keep me from trying to bargain with Ricardo, however. A few weeks ago I tried to get him to keep me bald for a year in exchange for weekly blow jobs. He was very tempted, but he passed on my offer. And even though I do like the way my hair looks I think often about him taking me to the female barber who has been cutting my hair and paying her to shave it all off no matter what I ask her to do to it. She knows I was bald for quite a while before this, so I think she might be convinced that I will not freak out if she shaves my head. The best part about it is that I wouldn't have any idea what was happening until after it was all buzzed off since she generally turns me away from the mirror until she's done.

I will be needing a haircut pretty soon, so my next post might be titled, 'Bald At Last, Bald At Last! Thank God Almighty, I'm Bald At Last.'

1 comment:

  1. £ months growth? Or maybe it is 6 months, now? How long is your hair?
    Have you considered maybe getting it cut in stages? I always think going straight for a shaved head is a shame - there is fun to be had on the way ;-) Ever considered a very high A-line bob? Heavily undercut? Or if your hair isn't long enough, how about a high bowl cut? Or a flat top? My idea of fun would be to visit the hairdressers not knowing what hairstyle your partner had picked for you...
