
Hairy Dreams

I hadn't had any for a while since I spent quite a while with no hair, but I've started dreaming about having my head shaved again.

The dreams involve me trying to find a way to cut off my hair or shave my head, but I lose the scissors or the clippers get dull, or my hair grows back faster than I can get rid of it. During these dreams I never succeed before I wake up.

Last night I had the first one I'd had in quite a while. I wasn't supposed to cut my hair because my boyfriend wanted it long (sound familiar?), so I spent the entire time trying to think of a way I could shave it all off without upsetting him. The final solution was to just shave some of it off, and I ended up with a very high undercut shaved to the skin. Dream me was convinced that nobody would be able to tell as long as my hair wasn't in a ponytail, but LucidDream me knew that there was so little hair on the top of my head (it was shaved up past my eyebrows) that it would fool nobody.

I woke up grinding against the bed and wishing my head didn't hurt so much so I could concentrate on fucking myself. Wishing my headache would go away was about as useless as wishing Ricardo would give in to my begging for a smooth scalp during sex.


Hair Apparent

It has been too long since I posted anything here. When I'm not shaving my head, I don't have as much to say about it.

I've been letting my hair grow for about 3 months now. I really like it. That doesn't keep me from trying to bargain with Ricardo, however. A few weeks ago I tried to get him to keep me bald for a year in exchange for weekly blow jobs. He was very tempted, but he passed on my offer. And even though I do like the way my hair looks I think often about him taking me to the female barber who has been cutting my hair and paying her to shave it all off no matter what I ask her to do to it. She knows I was bald for quite a while before this, so I think she might be convinced that I will not freak out if she shaves my head. The best part about it is that I wouldn't have any idea what was happening until after it was all buzzed off since she generally turns me away from the mirror until she's done.

I will be needing a haircut pretty soon, so my next post might be titled, 'Bald At Last, Bald At Last! Thank God Almighty, I'm Bald At Last.'